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This small liquid filling machine is designed with the conveyor, can transport bottles and fill liquid automatically, it is suitable for low viscosity liquid without any particle and can work precisely. It is particularly suitable for filling essential oil etc.
Through the control panel, youcan set parameters like fillingspeed and filling time.Easy tooperate. lt is with automaticcounting function,which makesthe output visual.Accurate andconvenient.
The filling speed of two nozzles canbe adjusted separately on the panel.Easy and convenient. Also,operatorcan adjust the height of nozzles,making it suitable for bottles ofdifferent heights.
lt is designed for detecting the bot-tles and making the machine fillliquid, intelligent and convenient.The sensitivity of electric eye can beadjusted through the regulator.
Made of stainless steel, the convey-or can transport containers speedcan be regulated by rotating workefficiency. Its conveying speed canbe regulated by rotating the blackknob. lt's with waterproof function,ensuring the production cleanliness.
lt's used for collecting bottles afterfilling, saving labor cost and improving work efficiency.The sizeof collecting tray is 200mm*100mm(L*W).